The Town of Peace River continues to express significant concerns with Alberta Health Services’ (AHS’s) proposed changes to Air Ambulance Services in northern Alberta. In their rush to centralize Air Ambulance Services, AHS will cause undue hardships for the Albertans in the northwest, particularly our more vulnerable populations.Read More →

Whereas Public – Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from April 24 to April 30, 2017; and, Whereas It is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness on reduction avoidable accidents, injuries, and damage caused by collisions at level crossings or incidents involving trains and citizens; and, Whereas Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership whose aim is to work with the rail industry, governments, police services, the media, and other agencies and the public to raise rail safety awareness; and, Whereas Operation Lifesaver has requested the Council of the Town of Peace River adopts this resolution in support of the ongoingRead More →