
Bylaws are the laws, regulations or rules of a local government such as a town, municipal district or county. The Municipal Government Act (Section 7) authorizes Council to establish these bylaws. To view the Municipal Government Act, please click here.

Bylaws are presented to Council for three readings. If all three readings are approved by Council, the bylaw is signed by the Mayor (presiding officer) and CAO (designated officer) and are effective immediately unless otherwise provided for in the applicable bylaw.

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Land Use Bylaw Amendment Public Hearing – Bylaw No. 2158

Date: August 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Public Notice: Bylaw No. 2158 

Bylaw No. 2158 can be viewed here.

Proposed Development Maps related to Bylaw No. 2158 can be viewed here.

Bylaw Listing

Our bylaws are available on the same public site as our Council minutes.

Click here to open the Bylaws folder.

They are divided into the following categories, to make locating current bylaws in effect a little easier.

Active Bylaws: These are current bylaws in effect and their amendments, if applicable.

Repealing Bylaws: These are active bylaws that only repeal other bylaws. They didn’t add any additional regulations so there isn’t anything to enforce.

Expired Bylaws: These are active bylaws, but they are tied to specific timeframes, terms, or transactions. As a result, there is no longer any action to take or anything to enforce. Examples can include old tax rate bylaws, debenture bylaws, road closures, and authorizations to enter agreements.

Repealed Bylaws: These are bylaws that have been repealed by other bylaws. They are no longer in effect.

Defeated Bylaws: These are bylaws that are defeated during readings. They are not in effect.

Withdrawn/Abandoned Bylaws: These are bylaws that were withdrawn, did not receive third reading, or had their readings rescinded. They are not in effect.

*Bylaws Being Reviewed*: These are bylaws that departments are currently reviewing to determine if they are still current (i.e., active) or if they need to be repealed. Some of these may still be in effect.

Please note that it does take time after a bylaw is adopted for it to be signed and uploaded to the web.

This information is provided for reference. While every effort has been made to ensure these listings are accurate, mistakes can occur. If there is any discrepancy between these listings and the official bylaw or Council minutes, the bylaw and minutes are deemed correct.

If you find errors in the listings, please email us at [email protected] so we can investigate further. Please do not send attachments as they will not be opened.