
Property Taxes

On this page:

How are my taxes calculated?

Important dates


What if I don’t agree with my assessment?

Tax info for mobile homes in trailer parks

Property tax exemptions

Tax Penalty Cancellation Policy

Payment options

2023 Property Tax and Assessment Notices were sent out on May 30, 2023.


If you are a new property owner and have not received your 2023 Property Tax and Assessment Notice, please visit the link directly below.


How are my taxes calculated?

The assessed value of a property is an estimate of the market value of the land and buildings in relation to similar properties. It is based on market conditions as of July 1st of the previous year and on the property’s physical condition and characteristics as of December 31st of the previous year. The purpose of property assessment is to distribute the property tax fairly among property owners within the municipality.

Property taxes are generated when the tax rate is applied to the assessed value of a property. The tax rate is composed of three parts:

Municipal Taxes
In its annual budget, Town Council approves a number of expenditures required to support services and programs. Revenue derived from other sources such as grants, license fees, and user fees are subtracted from this amount. The balance remaining is the amount that must be raised through property taxes.

Education Tax Requisition (ASFF & Opted Out Boards)
Municipalities are required to collect education taxes on behalf of the Province of Alberta. The education tax rate is set once the Town receives the annual requisition from the Province.

North Peace Housing Requisition
The North Peace Housing Foundation tax rate is set once the Town receives the annual requisition from North Peace Housing Foundation.

To avoid penalty charges taxes must be paid by June 30th of each year, even if an assessment appeal is planned or the Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice was not received.

Important dates

Each year in May the Town sends a Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice to property owners. The tax period covered is from January 1 to December 31.

Property taxes are due by June 30th of each year and are based upon the assessed value of a property and the tax rate. Property taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the property by the appropriate tax rate. (Please note that the tax rates listed on the Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice are per $1,000 of assessed value.)


**It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to ensure that the Town has the correct mailing address.**

The following penalties are applied:
6% penalty on unpaid taxes as of Jul 1
6% penalty on unpaid taxes as of Aug 1
6% penalty on unpaid taxes as of Sep 1
18% penalty on unpaid balance as of Dec 31

What should I do if I don’t agree with my assessment?

Compare Your Assessment to Similar Properties

The assessment roll, which shows all property values within the Town of Peace River, is open for inspection during regular office hours at the Town Office.

Talk to the Assessor

Contact the Assessor from Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc at 780-939-3310 or FAX 780-939-3350 to discuss your property assessment. Their website is Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc. (

File a Formal Appeal

If you are still certain that the assessment does not reflect what your property would likely sell for on the open market, you may file a written appeal to the Assessment Review Board. The reverse side of your Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice explains the deadlines and steps you must take to file a formal appeal.

Each assessment in dispute requires a separate complaint form and a required fee. Section 460 of the Municipal Government Act and its regulations set out other requirements with which you must comply, including disclosure requirements. Please be advised that the Assessment Review Board will not hear any matters or reasons that are not clearly described on the complaint form.

Assessment Appeal Fees

Property TypeAssessment ValueFiling Fees
Residential (3 or fewer dwellings) & FarmlandAll assessment values$50/tax roll number
Residential (4 units or more) & Non-Residential$0–$200,000$50/tax roll number
$200,001–$500,000$100/tax roll number
$500,001–$1,000,000$250/tax roll number
$1,000,001 and over$500/tax roll number

To avoid penalty charges, you must pay your taxes by June 30th even if you plan to appeal your assessment.

Note: Under the Municipal Government Act, Section 460(6), “There is no right to make a complaint about any tax rate.” This means that you cannot appeal your taxes because you feel that they are too high. You may only appeal the assessment.

Do I pay taxes if I have a designed manufactured home located at one of the trailer parks?

Yes. Under the Municipal Government Act, designated manufactured homes includes manufactured homes, mobile homes, modular homes, and travel trailers.

In most circumstances, all designated manufactured homes are assessable and taxable. This does NOT include land; the owner of the park is responsible for paying taxes on the land. In addition, homes moved into the municipality during the year will have the assessment prorated so that they are only taxed from the move-in date, provided the homeowner has submitted a Manufactured Home Change Report during the appropriate tax year.

In order to complete the tax roll and ensure proper billing, manufactured home park residents are required to complete a Manufactured Home Change Report whenever there is a change in residency or ownership of a manufactured home. Required information includes the year, make, and the serial number of the manufactured home.

Note: Taxes are the responsibility of the current owner of the home, even if there are taxes in arrears. Always ensure that any outstanding taxes have been paid prior to purchasing a designated manufactured home.

Property Tax Exemptions

In the case where non-profit organizations own property, hold property under lease, license or permit that is used primarily for the purpose of the organization, the organization may be eligible for a property tax exemption.

How to Apply
To qualify for the property tax exemption, the non-profit organization must submit an application form with supporting information in the year preceding the taxation year. The application will then be reviewed according to the Municipal Government Act, section 362 (n) (i) to (v) and the Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Regulation A/R 281/98 as amended. If the application is successful, the property in whole or in portion will be exempt from paying property taxes the next taxation year.

The application deadline is September 30 of the year preceding the taxation year.
Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Program Form

Applications are to be submitted to:
Corporate Services
P.O. Box 6600, Town of Peace River, Alberta T8S 1S4

Requirements for Qualification

  • A non-profit organization can qualify only if it:
  • Owns property, or holds property under a lease, license, or permit.
  • Is incorporated under the Society Act, or an entity established under a federal law or law of Alberta.
  • Uses the funds chiefly for the purposes of the organization and not for the benefit of the organization’s directors and employees.
  • Does not restrict the use of the property within the terms and meaning outlined in the regulation.

Background Materials

Tax Penalty Cancellation Policy

Sometimes residents are late with their tax payments, and as a result receive a late tax payment penalty. The Town has a Policy that dictates which instances warrant cancellation of a tax penalty.

Tax Penalty Relief Categories

Residents may apply for a tax penalty cancellation, and Council will consider a cancellation in these circumstances:

  • where a death in the immediate family of the property owner occurred within twenty-one (21) days prior to the due date;
  • where the tax notice has been sent to an incorrect address as a result of the Town’s error in recording an address change on the tax roll; or
  • where a late tax payment has been processed by a financial institution and either the financial institution or the property owner provides documentation indicating the payment was processed on or before the due dates.

Penalty Relief Not Available

A property owner may not seek relief under this policy for:

  • penalties arising from taxes owing on designated industrial property;
  • taxes, charges, or penalties relating to more than one prior taxation year;
  • amounts added to the tax roll that do not relate to the annual property assessment and taxation process, including but not limited to:

– charges arising from the tax recovery process;
– unpaid violation charges;
– utility consumption or installation charges; or
– any penalties, interests or other charges related to those amounts.

For more information, please view our Tax Penalty Cancellation Policy or contact Town Hall.

Payment Options

Unless you are on the monthly payment plan* and your payments are up-to-date, all property taxes must be paid by June 30th.

Payment options are as follows:

  • Cash, Cheque or Debit Card at the Town Office – Office hours are Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed holidays)
  • After office hours, you may drop your payment off in the DROP-OFF BOX located at the south-side entrance of the Town Office (please do not deposit cash in the mail slot).
  • Post-dated Cheques – may only be post-dated up to and including the due date. Please make cheques payable to The Town of Peace River.
  • Mail – must be postmarked by Canada Post no later than the due date.
  • Internet Banking – available at most banks. Please note that when setting up your payment via internet banking, your customer id number/account number will be your six digit tax roll number.
  • Telephone Banking – available at most banks.

* The monthly payment plan must be set up by December 15 of the year prior to the year in which the plan is to commence OR within one month of purchasing a property.*

Did you know that the Town of Peace River offers a monthly tax payment plan that enables residents to pay taxes monthly, instead of making a lump-sum annual payment?

  • For the first 6 months of the year, your monthly payment is based on 1/12 of the previous year’s tax amount. That amount is then recalculated in June, which will result in an adjusted rate for the remaining six months of the year, based on the current year’s new tax amount.
  • Payments will be withdrawn from your bank account on the 1st or 15th of each month, based on what works best for you.
  • The plan runs from January to December, with payment recalculated in December and June of each year.
  • The Town of Peace River does NOT charge a fee for this service. Normal bank service fees may apply.

To sign up, all you need to do is ensure:

  • Your tax account is paid up to date.
  • You have a valid bank account and banking privileges at a financial institution.
  • You are not already having your taxes paid through your mortgage provider.

All you’ve got to do is complete the application form and PAD agreement, found on our webiste or by stopping by the Town Office.


Did you know the Town of Peace River allows you to pay by credit card through PaySimply? Check it out here!


Request Tax Receipt