December 12, 2022 Council Highlights The following is a summary of decisions made by Town Council during its December 12, 2022 Organizational Meeting and Regular Meeting. For an audio recording of this meeting please check the bottom of this page. The agenda and attachments are available here: Peace River – Document Center ( Business Grant Program On October 3, 2022 Council directed Administration to undertake a Business Grant Survey to understand the interest in the Town developing Business Grants to support and incentivize (re)investment in the town, our commercial building stock, and the built environment. The survey included a series of building improvement questions aboutRead More →

Town Hall Closed October 10th Posted October 6, 2022 Please be advised that due to Thanksgiving Weekend, Town Hall will be closed Monday, October 10th. It will reopen the following day, with regular business hours. Also as a result of the long weekend, the next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 11th. As always, it will be held in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, starting promptly at 5PM. The Town wishes everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend!  Read More →

July 25, 2022 Council Highlights Posted July 27, 2022 Strategic Plan Officially Open for Online Feedback A Strategic Plan Open House was held on June 20, 2022, and from it, several pieces of feedback were received. The feedback we received was for goal 1: “Ensure that the Town of Peace River remains a sustainable and vibrant municipality,” and goal 3: “Build a physically connected community.” For goal 1, two specific suggestions were given, which were to bring more flights into Peace River, and to attract retirees from Yellowknife. For goal 3, it was suggested that we work on development in Upper West Peace. Out ofRead More →

June 27, 2022 Council Highlights Posted June 28, 2022 The following is a summary of decisions made by Town Council during its June 27, 2022, Regular Meeting. For an audio recording of this meeting please check the bottom of this page. The agenda and attachments are available here: Peace River – Document Center ( For any additional details on each item, please click on the appropriate heading to access the related documents. Presentations 1. Farewell to previous Council The meeting kicked off with offering an official thank you and send-off to the previous Council. In attendance were former Mayor Tom Tarpey and former Councillor ColinRead More →