Bylaw 2002, a Bylaw to enable the Town of Peace River to borrow money on behalf of the Peace Regional Recreation Centre, has passed third and final reading.Read More →

Allow me to start by acknowledging that this official start to the construction of our second highway bridge is being held on traditional Treaty 8 lands on the banks off the Peace River, the peace boundary between the Beaver and Cree First Nations. The Peace River is probably the most dominant geographical feature of Treaty 8 lands. It is certainly the largest river in Alberta. Fifty percent of all of the water in Alberta flows through the Peace. It really is a mighty and formidable river. The project that we are officially initiating today will again span the Peace by constructing a sister bridge parallelRead More →

Significant updates from the June 26 regular meeting of Peace River Town Council are below. You can view the agenda and all Council items here.Read More →