Volunteer With The Sagitawa Friendship Centre  The Sagitawa Friendship Centre is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to become part of their regular programming and to help host special events. They have ongoing opportunities to help with craft workshops, soup kitchen, Charley’s Good Food Box, Picket Fence Community Garden, or work with youth at our Ground Level Youth Centre.  Or volunteer a few hours to help with a special event like the Day of Friendship (June), AIDS Walk (September) OR Christmas Supper (November/December) Contact Name – Jenna Gallagher Contact Phone Number – (780) 624-2443 Contact Email – [email protected]Read More →

This is the seventh post in an ongoing series called ‘Ask TPR’ where frequently asked questions from residents are answered publicly.
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On December 3, the Town of Peace River celebrated volunteers and all they contribute to our community during the second Volunteer Awards.
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