Town Council Update – October 9, 2018

Tap or click the titles to view the relevant attachment.


The minutes of the September 24, 2018, Regular Meeting of Council were approved. Tap or click the title above to view them.


Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

A representative from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) presented to council on the state of the energy industry in Canada. A copy of the presentation is available by tapping or clicking the link above.

Sir Alexander Mackenzie Historical Society

A representative of the Sir Alexander Mackenzie Historial society presented to council regarding a request for the funding of printing costs for Peace River Remembers Volume 2. A copy of the letter outlining the presentation is available by tapping or clicking the title.

New Business

NAIT Boreal Plant Seed Technology Access Centre

Council approved a motion to send a letter of support with regards to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology’s (NAIT) application for funding to establish a plant and seed technology access centre.

Physician Accommodation Funding

Council approved a request from the Shell Rotary house to redirect physician accommodation funding from the Peace River and District Health Foundation to the Shell Rotary House. That will apply for the rest of 2018, funding for future years will be subject to budget approval and the completion of a funding agreement between the Town and Shell Rotary House.

Letter of Support for NDMP Application

Council approved a request for a letter of support for the Province to conduct a flood risk assessment under the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP).

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Training

Council approved a request brought forward by Councillor Orren Ford to host a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design training workshop. In order to offset costs invites will be sent to neighbouring municipal Councils to see if they would like to cost-share and take part.

Attendance at Small business Week Dinner

Council was enabled to attend the 2018 Small business Week dinner hosted by the Peace River and District Chamber of Commerce.

Cannabis Consumption Bylaw

Council discussed the possibility of a Cannabis Consumption bylaw, deciding more information was needed. Staff will collect info over the first six months following legalization to help Council determine if there is a need for a specific bylaw. Details on public cannabis consumption can be found here.


Staff reports sent to Council.


Includes information, news, and letters sent to Council that does not require a formal Request for Decision.

Audio Recording of the Council Meeting