Hydrant/Valve Installation on 93 Street in Lower West Peace Posted August 2, 2022 Please be advised that on August 4 or August 5, 2022, construction will be commencing on 93 Street for the installation of a new hydrant/valve as part of the Shaftesbury Trail Upper West Peace and Sewer Upgrades/Lift Station 4 Replacement Project. Traffic will be reduced to one lane for the homes to the north of the proposed excavation site in front of the new lift station (all homes north of where 91 Street meets 93 Street.) Our estimated time to complete the excavation/installation/backfill work is 1 to 2 days. Workers will accommodateRead More →

Shaftesbury Trail Road Closure and Detour Posted July 29, 2022 On Wednesday, August 3, construction will be starting for the crossing of Shaftesbury Trail to connect a newly installed sewer force main to existing infrastructure as part of the Shaftesbury Trail Upper West Peace Water and Sewer Upgrades/Lift Station 4 Replacement Project. The Shaftesbury Trail will be closed from 103 Avenue to 105 Avenue. Traffic will be rerouted to 89 Street (the road to the ski chalet). Homeowners with access off of the Shaftesbury Trail will be required to access their lots from the south via 105 Ave. for the duration of this work. TheRead More →

Thank you to everyone who reduced their water consumption on Sunday and Monday evening in support of our 2022 Neighbourhood Infrastructure Renewal Project, which renews the infrastructure on 94th Avenue, near the Co-op. A significant milestone in the project was completed! A valve was installed onto our high-pressure transmission water main, the water line that serves the east side of Peace River. More information about 2022 NIRP can be found on our website.         RelatedRead More →

2022 Utility Box Wraps We are very excited to announce the second group of quilt utility box wraps! The quilt art was selected through a 2021 public call for quilt art submissions and public survey process to select the top choices. Over the next few weeks utility boxes throughout town will be wrapped with The Poppy by Carole Gold, Henrietta (the chicken) and Old Red Barn by Shonna Lagace, Cora (the owl) by Christina Johnson, and Garden Party by Donna Cotton! See if you can spot them all! Thank you to the artists for allowing us to use their quilt art and to all theRead More →

July 25, 2022 Council Highlights Posted July 27, 2022 Strategic Plan Officially Open for Online Feedback A Strategic Plan Open House was held on June 20, 2022, and from it, several pieces of feedback were received. The feedback we received was for goal 1: “Ensure that the Town of Peace River remains a sustainable and vibrant municipality,” and goal 3: “Build a physically connected community.” For goal 1, two specific suggestions were given, which were to bring more flights into Peace River, and to attract retirees from Yellowknife. For goal 3, it was suggested that we work on development in Upper West Peace. Out ofRead More →

Due to the forecasted hot and dry weather, a Fire Advisory has been issued for the Town of Peace River. Read More →

Temporary Road Closure for Crosswalk Painting Posted July 26, 2022 Please be advised that 98 Street will be closed on Wednesday, July 27 for the painting of an “Every Child Matters” crosswalk. The blocked-off area will reach from the intersection with 100 Avenue to the far side of the crosswalk. This closure will be in place from 4PM until the following morning.  Local traffic can still access the street through 101 Avenue (by the mini golf). We apologize for any inconvenience this causes and thank you for your cooperation.Read More →

*NEW* Water Restriction Advisory – East Side of Peace River July 25, 2022 Starting at 8:00 pm *Updated July 26, at 7:12* The work related to this Water Restriction Advisory has been completed. The advisory for residents and businesses east of the river is lifted. You are able to return to regular water consumption levels. Thank you for your assistance and patience while this necessary work was completed. Other Water Restrictions will put in place this summer related to the 2022 Neighbourhood Infrastructure Renewal Project. More information will be provided as dates are confirmed. *Original Post Below* Please be advised that as work was not able to be completedRead More →

Ramp Ceremony and Last Ride for Firefighter Graham Smyth Posted July 23 The Fire Department will be conducting a Ramp Ceremony and Last Ride for long-time Peace River Firefighter Graham Smyth today starting at 2:00 pm at the downtown Fire Hall. A procession will then head north on Main Street to the traffic circle ending at the Peace Valley Inns. There will be some minor, short, traffic disruption in this area. Please drive with caution in this area at that time. Your cooperation is appreciated. Spectators are welcome to pay their respects along the route. RelatedRead More →

Water Restriction Advisory – East Side of Peace River July 24, 2022 Starting at 8:00 pm Update posted on July 25 at 8:20AM The Water Restriction Advisory has been lifted. Residents and businesses east of the river are able to return to regular water consumption levels. Thank you for your assistance and patience. * Original Post on July 20, 2022 * Residents and businesses on the east side of Peace River, including the South End, the Downtown and the North End, please limit your water use from 8:00 pm on Sunday July 24. As a part of the 2022 Neighbourhood Infrastructure Renewal project underway on 94th Street theRead More →