Town Council Update – April 14, 2020

Additional information, including documents that went to council, are available for each agenda item by tapping or clicking the hyperlink in the titles.


The Minutes of the March 23, 2020, Regular Meeting of Council were approved.


Bylaw 2069 – 2020 Utility Rate

Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw 2069 but did not proceed to third reading. The bylaw would increase the water rate by $0.68 per cubic metre (1000 litres) of water used. It would also raise the fines for tampering with fire hydrants and water meters. More details on the proposed bylaw are linked above, tap or click the title to learn more.

New Business

Request for Tax Penalty Relief

Council approved a measure to provide tax penalty relief in the amount of $1,495.18 related to penalties incurred by a resident stemming from the 2018 tax year.

Town Financial Options and Response re: COVID-19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council asked staff to bring back options to reduce the financial burden on ratepayers. While the 2020 Approved Budget has already been passed staff were able to find savings. As a result, Council voted to approve the following measures:

  • Utility bill penalties are being deferred until June 19.
  • Future tax rate bylaw will set a zero percent increase this year.
  • Tax penalty deadlines are being deferred for three months, allowing residents additional time to pay without incurring any fees.

These measures will be formalized through bylaw at Council’s April 27 meeting. For a full accounting of how these savings and measures were brought about please tap or click the title to view the Request for Decision document, which was presented to Council.

Termination of Tax and Service Sharing with County of Northern Lights

The Town of Peace River and County of Northern Lights recently concluded an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Agreement (ICF). The ICF replaces previous cost-sharing arrangements, as a result, Council formally ended the previous agreement during their meeting so the new one would take effect.

Intermunicipal Development Plan Referral Policy

Council adopted a policy regarding how development referrals from neighbouring municipalities are handled. Details are linked in the document above.


Staff, agency, or board reports sent to Council.


Includes information, news, and letters sent to Council that does not require a formal Request for Decision.

Audio Recording of the Council Meeting


Mayor & Council