Town Council Update – June 25, 2018

Tap or click the titles to view the relevant attachment.


The minutes of the June 11, 2018, Regular Meeting of Council were approved. Tap or click the title above to view them.

Public Hearings

A public hearing was held on Bylaw 2032 Cannabis Bylaw. No one spoke for, against or to the impact of the bylaw.



The President of the Peace River and District Chamber of Commerce presented to Council regarding the tourism in the Town of Peace River. No hard copy of the presentation was provided, however, the audio portion is contained in the audio recording of the Council meeting further down this page.


Tap or click on the title to view proposed bylaw.

Bylaw 2015 the Procedural Bylaw

Council provided first, second, and third reading of the bylaw bringing it into effect.

Bylaw 2016 Amendment to the Land Use Bylaw, Accessory, Deck, and Garage Amendments

Town Administration was given direction to advertise Bylaw 2016 and bring it forward at a later council meeting for reading.

Bylaw 2030 the Council Code of Conduct

Council gave the bylaw first, second, and third reading, they also repealed Policy P-11-51A, which had previously been the Council Code of Conduct Policy.

Bylaw 2032 Cannabis Definitions

Following the public hearing earlier in the meeting and two weeks of advertising Bylaw 2032 returned to Council and was given second and third reading bringing it into law. The Bylaw provides definitions for Cannabis retail and production for the Town’s Land Use Bylaw.

Unfinished Business

2nd Quarter Grants to Groups

Council voted on requests from three Peace River based groups requesting grant money. The next deadline to apply for Council Grants Donations, and Funding is August 31. For complete details on the program and policy please visit the Council Grants webpage.

Peace River Boating Association: Approved for $5,000
Miserable Miles: Approved for $3,000
Peace River Pride Society: Approved for $1500

New Business

Briefing Note on the Municipal Demonstration Grant Program at the Splash Park

Earlier this year the Town of Peace River found out we had been successful in our application for grant money from the Alberta Recycling Management Authority. Through them, we received $15,085.17 to put towards the resurfacing of the front end of the Peace River Splash Park. The renovations were originally scheduled June 25, 26, and 27, however, due to the weather it has been delayed until August 13, 14, and 15. When complete it will mean a new rubberized surface to replace the concrete one currently there.

Attendance at LGBTQ2S+ Pride Parade, Proclamation and Flag Raising

Council approved a motion to enable Councillors to attend the Peace River LGBTQ2S+ Pride Parade on July 21. They also approved a motion requesting that a pride flag be raised for the week of July 16 and that the same week be proclaimed Pride Week in Peace River.


Includes reports to council, minutes, and information from the various boards and committees that council members sit on.


Includes information, news, and letters sent to Council that does not require a formal Request for Decision.

Audio Recording of the Council Meeting