Peace Regional Recreation Centre
Update #5

February 9, 2017

Pre-tender meetings and consultations have been completed and the Peace Region’s newest recreation destination remains on schedule. The next step will be to issue tender documents in late-winter 2017.

Final design concepts were received in November of 2016. Since then the Regional Recreation Facilities Committee, a committee comprised of councillors from the County of Northern Lights, MD of Peace, Northern Sunrise County and the Town of Peace River, has met with the public and the user groups.

To accommodate requests from user groups the committee has worked to modify the design.

  • Up to three additional changerooms have been added.
  • The large team changeroom has been expanded, with storage and desk space.
  • Added 189 square metres of warm storage for user groups.
  • Curtains in the field house will overlap to prevent errant balls for flying onto the running track.
  • Ultra bright, ultra high efficient LED lighting will help improve the indoor lighting while lowering operating expenses.
  • Three multipurpose rooms, for community booking and use, have been added.
  • Food prep area and kitchen will be three times as big as the previous one, with layout and design by Tesco, a professional in commercial kitchen design.
The layout of the future Peace Regional Recreation Centre is overlaid on a satellite image.

With the floor plans and designs completed, the architects are now working on final blueprints. The committee anticipates tendering for construction on this project in March.


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