The Town of Peace River is inviting residents to become involved in a process that advocates to the Province for improved inmate release practices at the Peace River Correctional Centre. At this time, inmates being released are driven to downtown Peace River, where they are dropped off without means to access essential needs, and without transportation out of town. This has had a significant impact on our community, creating issues for residents and business owners. We are working hard to try and address these issues in a meaningful manner, but have faced challenges as a result of the number of inmates being released into ourRead More →

September 14, 2023  In July and early August, we shared news of what’s happening with the 101st Street slope. This information came after heavy rainfall caused the Town to barricade a portion of 101st Street to single lane traffic as engineering and geotechnical firms assessed the situation. On September 1, 2023, we closed a public tender for work which would address the damage that was visible at the time so the road could be reopened. There were no bids submitted to the Town of Peace River for the scope of work that was posted. The Town is actively working with our consultants to come upRead More →

PUBLIC NOTICE TO ELECTORS of the Town of Peace River in the Province of Alberta Sections 231, 264, and 265 of the Municipal Government Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Peace River, in the Province of Alberta, has given first reading to Bylaw No. 2140 which will, on final passage and approval, authorize the proper officers of the said municipality to lend the sum of $20,000 to the Peace River Ski Club for the purpose of repaying their Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Loan. The funds will be advanced from the Town’s Operating Reserve. The Peace River Ski Club will enterRead More →

Until August 31, 2023, utility billing periods ran from the 16th of one month, to the 15th of the following month. Starting in September 2023, that’s changing! We have decided to shift the utility billing schedule so that billing lines up with the end of each month, starting Aug. 31, 2023. The Aug. 16-31, 2023 bill is being sent in early September (due Oct. 2, 2023). By aligning the due date, we hope to minimize any inconvenience for residents signed up for pre-authorized payment. The September bill, from Sept. 1-30, will go out in early October 2023.Read More →

We are terribly sad to announce the passing of former Peace River Mayor Michael Procter. Mayor Procter passed away on August 31, 2023, at the age of 84. He was first elected to his mayoral role in 1986, and was then acclaimed to that position in 1989, 1992, and again in 1995. After his time in Peace River, Mayor Procter moved to BC, living most recently on Vancouver Island.   His service to our community and residents had major positive impacts that we continue to benefit from today, including the significant role he played in the pulp mill being established in Peace River.   OurRead More →

Notice of Special Economic Development Committee Meeting The Economic Development Committee has called a special meeting for the following purposes: Review of second intake Business Grant Applications Setting third intake period for Business Grant Applications The Special EDC Meeting will be held: Thursday, September 7, 2023 2:30 p.m. Microsoft Teams Anyone hoping to tune into the meeting virtually can request the meeting link by emailing [email protected]Read More →

We’re excited to announce that the 2023 Main Street Concrete Repair project is slated to begin this week! What’s happening this year? Concrete repairs will be occurring from 99 Ave (Old Panago) to 101 Ave (Scotia Bank) along Main Street on the east side of the street. This will include the removal and replacement of the tree in front of Value Drugs. The contractor will be working to maintain access to all businesses along this stretch throughout the construction. Temporary disruptions to on-street parking and specific areas of the sidewalk can be expected through the construction project. Businesses along the affected stretch of Main StreetRead More →

Large item pickup is coming up quickly through the Fall Cleanup from Sept. 11-15, 2023 — but there’s another option for getting rid of your items that won’t see them ending up in a landfill. The Put-And-Take – Front Yard Edition! – gives you the chance to put any unwanted (but still usable) items out the weekend before Fall Cleanup. Residents are then invited to go around Town to see what others have made available for free to their neighbours! Put-And-Take items should be placed where waste carts are normally picked up, with a makeshift sign on them that reads “FREE.” You don’t want yourRead More →