Property assessments play a key role in determining property taxes. Property assessments are a highly legislated process overseen ultimately by provincial auditors and the courts.

One of the key parts of this process is the physical assessments of every property within the town. This physical assessment of the entire town takes place over the span of five years, which is then broken down into a period of annual physical assessments. Each year, typically throughout the fall season, a property assessor comes and physically views 20 per cent of properties in the town.

After five years, the property assessor would have physically seen or inspected 100 per cent of the properties in Peace River.

To do this, the Town Peace River subcontracts to a company called Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc. (

This process is adhered to by every municipality in Alberta to helps to ensure fairness. The process is outlined in complete detail in this document produced by Municipal Affairs Alberta.

If you have any other questions regarding municipal taxes, or property assessments please contact the Director of Corporate Services or call our office at 780-624-2574