An improved wheelchair ramp, accessible doors, and a widened doorway for our main entrance mean we can better accommodate your needs at the Town of Peace River’s main administration building.

Completed in early 2024, these upgrades make it easier for elderly people and residents with disabilities to come into our office to pay bills, make inquires, and relay concerns, improving our organization’s ability to serve the community.

Many residents have shared their appreciation of the new doors with our staff, including parents with small kids in tow and couriers and contractors providing services to the building.

Since installation of the ramp and doors, our front desk staff have not had to help anyone enter the building, which previously was a regular occurrence.

There are still a couple of touch-ups we will be doing this summer as the weather warms up. As our office is an older building, we recognize there is still work ahead to make it fully accessible to residents of all stripes.

This project is funded in part by the Enabling Accessibility Fund program of the Government of Canada.