Town Council Update – December 10, 2018

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The minutes of the November 26, 2018, Regular Meeting of Council were approved. Tap or click the title above to view them.

New Business

Request for Grant Funds – Peace River Porpoises

The Peace River Porpoises requested funds from Council’s Grants to Groups program for a swim meet they held in July 2018. Council voted not to provide funds as the request came after the event and was therefore outside the program parameters.

Interim Budget

Council approved an interim budget, based on 50 percent of the operating budget from 2018, to carry the Town into 2019. The interim budget will allow municipal operations to continue until the 2019 Operating and Capital budget is approved.

Attendance at Crime Prevention Conference

Councillor Orren Ford was enabled to attend the 2019 Alberta Community Crime Prevention Conference in May 2019.

Snow and Ice Policy: Communications Outlook

The Town’s Communications Coordinator provided a briefing note on the potential impacts of an updated snow and ice maintenance policy.

Snow and Ice Maintenance Policy

Council had a discussion regarding proposed changes to the Town’s snow and ice maintenance policy. the policy was sent back to staff and was not adopted by Council. For details on the discussion please refer to the audio recording 25 minute mark.

Operating and Capital Budget Deliberations

No documents were provided for deliberations. For details on the discussion please refer to the audio recording at the 1 hour and 32-minute mark. More details on the Proposed 2019 Operating and Capital Budget are available at the link below.

Municipal Budget


Staff reports sent to Council.


Includes information, news, and letters sent to Council that does not require a formal Request for Decision.

Audio Recording of the Council Meeting