Upgraded Lift Station No. 4 Opened

December 1, 2022

The Town of Peace River recently celebrated the official opening of the new Lift Station No. 4 in Lower West Peace with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Lift Station No. 4, originally built in 1977, was identified in 2015 for replacement under the Small Communities Fund initiative.

The Small Communities Fund, a component of the federal New Building Canada Fund, provides funding for smaller communities to build projects that deliver on local needs. Projects are cost-shared equally between Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments.  The Federal and Provincial contribution for all the Sanitary upgrades for Peace River was $8.0M.  Of this $1.063M was identified in Provincial and Federal funding for the Lift Station No. 4 Project.

The original lift station provided vertical lift for raw sewage and effluent from the Shaftesbury Subdivision and the Lower West Peace Subdivision. Now, the raw sewage and effluent is to be divided so that the new Lift station No. 4 will handle sanitary sewer flow for Lower West Peace. The future Lift Station No. 7 will handle sanitary sewer flow for the Shaftesbury and Rosedale subdivisions. The proposed location for Lift Station No. 7 is on the east side of Highway 684 (Shaftesbury Trail), south of Upper West Peace.

On Monday, October 17th, Town Council – including Mayor Elaine Manzer – had the opportunity to have a guided tour of the new lift station, led by Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, Jim McCuaig.

The new lift station went into full time operation on August 2nd, 2022, allowing the demolition of the old lift station to proceed.  All work was substantially complete in October 2022.

Quick facts:

  • The new lift station is sized with 2-30 HP pumps so that it can temporarily accommodate all flow until the new Lift Station No. 7 is constructed in 2023/24.
  • The new lift station has a 125 kW natural gas-powered emergency generator in place to provide emergency power in case of a power failure.

To keep up-to-date on upcoming projects, keep your eye on our Engineering & Infrastructure page that lists all ongoing projects and relevant updates.


Engineering & Infrastructure