Reports, Plans, & Studies

The Town of Peace River has a number of reports and studies that help guide policy and priorities. Frequently requested reports are displayed here for download and we are in the process of digitizing a number of our reports as well.

Year-End Reports for 2023 (PDF files)

2023 Final Financial Statements

Year-End Reports for 2021 (PDF files)

Activity reports for each of the Town of Peace River’s main departments for the year 2021.

Audited Financial Statements (PDF files)

To view statements tap or click on the year and it will load the audited statements for that year.

Inspection Report (2014)

Between March 28, 2014, and July 11, 2014, an inspection and review of the Town of Peace River’s administration and the council was conducted by George B. Cuff & Associates Ltd. The report is available in its entirety.

The recommendations from the report were largely implemented and on February 7, 2017, the Minister of Municipal Affairs informed the Town the requirements of the report had been satisfied.