Another Town of Peace River council meeting is in the books!

Some of the highlights:

➡️ Reserve Policy approved. Changes to the Town’s accounting and budgeting process include creating dedicated Water, Wastewater, Storm Sewer, and Solid Waste Reserves; creating separate reserves for Buildings & Engineered Structures and Vehicles, Machinery, and Equipment within Tax-Supported Capital; creating a Disaster Recovery Program Reserve; and eliminating the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve.

➡️ Council appointed two new Development Officers, on the eve of long-time Development Officer Susan Martineau retiring: Alisha Mody and Adebimpe Adeniyi.

➡️ Samuel Mugford, Director of Corporate Services, presented a briefing note on several IT changes at the Town. Among others, those include upgrading our firewalls; enhancing security and encryption; mitigating security risks by eliminating open ports and addressing vulnerabilities; round-the-clock security monitoring; and transitioning to cloud-based phone services.

➡️ Council approved the appointments of Pradeep Neupane and Pam Schipholt to the Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction and Retention Committee for three-year terms.

➡️ Coun. Orren Ford brought a notice of motion for administration to bring an Apex Security business proposal to the next council meeting for discussion. This is a potential avenue Council is considering to address security-related issues in town.

As always, there was more.

You can read the full agenda here:…

And re-live it on Youtube here: