It was a four-hour marathon of a council meeting on Monday!

Here are some of the highlights from the May 13, 2024 meeting:

  • New tax rates were set. This year we are collecting a total of $12.46 million in property taxes, compared to $11.99 million in 2023. That means we are collecting an extra $69.90 per resident, which is $5.80 per month or $0.19 per day. Administration has worked hard to keep taxes in line with or below inflation while maintaining or increasing services. Tax notices will be mailed to all property owners in late May.
  • Council defeated a bylaw to update its Code of Conduct, asking administration to produce a shorter version to review at a future meeting.
  • Yard waste bins are about to double, as two new ones will be added at the Eco Centre for the remainder of summer as a pilot project. Those bins will be installed and publicized in the next couple of weeks.
  • Council adjusted the rates and fees bylaw based on public feedback and has eliminated the charge for volunteers to acquire criminal record checks.
  • With our Camping Bylaw in place, council has now authorized the Town to direct the RCMP to enforce the bylaw along the east edge of the river, municipally known as 9416-94 Street, adjacent to the paved pathway of the dike.
  • The MD of Peace recently completed a recreation master plan, which council reviewed and is available online. There will be an open house to review the plan at the MD of Peace administration building Thursday evening, May 16.
  • Council set the terms of reference for the Council Remuneration Committee, which will review council compensation. The deadline to apply to join the committee is May 20. To apply, email Kelinda MacRoberts at [email protected].
  • As directed by council, our Department of Engineering and Infrastructure will continue its partnership with the Province of Alberta for the Main Street sidewalk replacement project, which benefits the Town with being able to do more work for less money due to economies of scale. The province is tentatively planning to construct this project in 2025.

And there was even more!

You can review the whole agenda here:

And relive the four-hour epic on Youtube here: May 13, 2024 Town Council Meeting