October 24, 2022 Council Highlights

The following is a summary of decisions made by Town Council during its October 24, 2022 Organizational Meeting and Regular Meeting. For an audio recording of this meeting please check the bottom of this page. The agenda and attachments are available here: Peace River – Document Center (civicweb.net)

October 24, 2022 Organizational Meeting

Appointment of Deputy Mayor

In accordance with the Procedural Bylaw, a vote was held to appoint a deputy mayor. This appointment occurs yearly, at every organizational meeting.

As outlined in Section 22(a), “Council shall appoint a Deputy Mayor for a one-year term at the Organizational Meeting. For the Organizational Meeting immediately following a Municipal Election, the Deputy Mayor shall be the Councillor receiving the largest number of votes. In the event the election was acclaimed, or there was a tie for the largest number of votes, Council
shall appoint the Deputy Mayor by a simple majority vote.”

After receiving a majority vote, Councillor Ford was appointed the new deputy mayor.

The duties of deputy mayor are as follows: “The Deputy Mayor shall chair Council Meetings when the Mayor is absent or unable to act as Mayor and shall have all the powers and responsibilities of the Mayor under this Bylaw during the absence or incapacitation of the Mayor. … In the absence or inability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to act, a member of Council shall chair Council Meetings according to the provisions of 9(1)(k) and shall have all the powers and responsibilities of the Mayor under this Bylaw.”

Councillor Appointments to Boards & Committees

All board and committee appointments can be found here: Board and Committee Summaries 2022-2023 – Updated .pdf (civicweb.net)

Legislative Responsibilities of Council

In accordance with the Alberta Municipal Government Act, s. 208(1)(d) the chief administrative officer must ensure that…council is advised in writing of its legislative responsibilities under this [MGA] Act.

Tha handbook detailing the responsibilities of Council can be found here: What every councillor needs to know: A council member’s handbook (civicweb.net)

2022-2023 Regular Meeting Schedule

The regular council meeting schedule was approved. The regular council meeting schedule will be added to our events calendar within the next week.

October 24, 2022 Regular Meeting

National Indigenous Veterans Day

The Peace River Aboriginal Interagency Committee (PRAIC) invited the mayor or alternate to be present and provide brief remarks at the annual National Indigenous Veterans Day ceremony at the Treaty 8 Monument on November 8th, 2022, starting at 10:45am.

Council enabled Mayor Manzer or an alternate to attend the National Indigenous Veterans Day Ceremony on November 8 2022, and give remarks on behalf of the Town of Peace River.

Meeting Audio


Mayor & Council