Council Grants to Organizations


The Town of Peace River recognizes the valuable contributions made by community organizations and volunteer groups to improve the well-being of the community and the quality of life for its residents. In recognition of these contributions, the Town is committed to providing assistance to such organizations through its municipal grant program. Support is provided each year from the Town’s operating budget to qualifying organizations through an established application process.

The 2025 Operating Budget includes $50,000 for the Council Grants to Organizations program.


Consideration of applications will be given only if the Applicants meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant is a not for profit community group, team, organization or association.
  • The applicant has demonstrated the significant value and benefits that the project will have to the community by developed partnerships and volunteer opportunities.
  • Applicants applying for grants must be in good standing with the Town of Peace River.
  • Applicants will have completed previous, required final reports before new applications are considered.
  • Applicants having an outstanding balance with the Town of Peace River are not eligible for a Council grant.
  • Joint applications are acceptable and encouraged, however responsibility for the finances and accountability must be clearly defined.
  • Retroactive funding for projects that have been completed may not be considered. Applicants assume the financial risk of the project as there is no guarantee the project will be funded.

Funding Categories

Community Development

The application should assist with hosting a significant local, regional, provincial, national, or international event within or near the Town of Peace River. Support may be given to significant key events that have a major role in facilitating community life and well-being.

Organizations or events that promote economic development activities or initiatives will be considered more favourably.

Special projects by organizations that have a favourable benefit to the Town may also be considered, which can include capital projects that are related to the hosting of an event.

Recreation & Sport Development

Recreation/Sport Development: The application should enhance development of initiatives that support healthy living through strategies, programs and activities. The initiatives may assist with participation in events of local, provincial, national or international significance. Preference will be given to the development of local events.

Requests can include capital projects that relate to the development or implementation of local events.

Application Dates

Deadline for the grant intake dates are March 15, June 15, and September 15.

Submit completed applications to:

Town of Peace River, Corporate Services Department
Box 6600, 9911 – 100 Street
Peace River, AB T8S 1S4

P: (780) 624-2574
F: (780) 624-4664

Application Forms

The Grants to Organizations Policy includes information related to submissions, scoring/evaluations, and follow-up reporting requirements.