Submit an entry to the Community Directory

Contact: Community Services
Phone: (780)624-1000

Community Directory Submission Guidelines

  1. Non-profit & Community Groups: Agencies, clubs, religious organizations, societies, and other community groups are invited to submit an entry. Businesses are not eligible but are welcome to submit to the Business Directory.
  2. Location: Your organization must be located in Peace River, or serving Peace River residents.
  3. Categories: Select as many categories as are applicable to your organization.
  4. Terms of Use: All submissions must adhere to the terms of the  Social Media Participant Use Policy. [PDF/506KB]
  5. Review Process: Submissions will be reviewed, and those that do not meet the guidelines will not be posted. 

Updating an Existing Entry

Please complete the submission form and choose "Update an Existing Organization" from the drop-down menu. Be sure to fill in all required fields, as your previous entry will be removed and replaced by this new submission.

Submission Form