Peace River welcomes those fleeing war, persecution, and disaster from around the world. As global situations evolve the Federal Government may create immigration categories other than Refugee, therefore this program will include those categories as they develop, including those fleeing war in Ukraine.
To help individuals and families settle in our community we offer supports for Transportation and Recreation.
- Taxi Pass Program – subsidizes the cost of taking a Taxi
- Peace Regional Pool Passes
- Baytex Energy Centre Passes for both Drop-in Programs and Indoor Track
(Please note that Champions Fitness is not operated by the Town and we are not able to offer access to this facility)
- Community Scholarships for Youth 17 and under, to help pay for the cost of recreation, art, and culture programs
Applicants can apply for two 6-month periods, to receive supports for up to a full year.
- Immigration Status: Applicants must provide an immigration document that supports their status, such as a Refugee Protection Claimant Document, Confirmation of Referral, Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel, or similar document.
- Residence: Applicants will need to show proof of residence. Examples: Lease, letter from a landlord, letter from a sponsoring family/organization confirming their address, etc.
Recreation supports are available for residents of the Town of Peace River, Northern Sunrise County, MD of Peace and County of Northern Lights. The Taxi Pass Program is limited to residents of the Town of Peace River only.
You can download the application below, or you can pick up a paper copy at the Town Office, Baytex Energy Centre or Peace Regional Pool.
Completed applications can be e-mailed to communityservices@peaceriver.ca or dropped off at any of the locations above.
View Refugee Supports Application
If you have any questions about the application or the program, please call Community Services at (780)-624-1000.
FCSS is always available to help connect refugees, and all community members, to resources and supports. Please call (780)-624-1000 if you need help.
The Taxi Pass Program and Community Scholarships are available to all low-income residents.