Non-Standard Crosswalks are decorative marked pedestrian crossings that include elements of colour, design, imagery, texture and/or material, that are considered aesthetic enhancements above and beyond standard crosswalks. An application approved by the Town is require to install a non-standard crosswalk.
Policy Information
The Non-Standard Crosswalk Painting policy provides guidance for painting of crosswalks using non-standard colours and designs to add art and vibrancy to streets and neighbourhoods, while maintaining safety for pedestrians, vehicular traffic and all users and installers of crosswalks in the community.
Locations for non-standard crosswalks:
Should already be painted as a crossing by the Town.
Should be at a controlled intersection or already have crosswalk warning signs.
Should be well-lit, providing adequate visibility.
Should have pavement in acceptable condition.
Must not be adjacent to, or crossing a provincial highway or roadway under the control of another jurisdiction.
Art in the non-standard crosswalk:
Must be contained between the standard crosswalk markings (ie. between the parallel white lines or the zebra striped markings).
Should maintain 100 mm buffer between any standard crosswalk markings and the art.
Should be applied using a low VOC, latex-based paint.
Must not contain advertising, text, corporate logos, religious or political reference, or any symbols that are used in traffic control devices (e.g., bikes, shapes of people, white arrows, yellow dashed lines…etc.).
Will not be permitted if it includes any symbol of hatred, violence, lewdness, or racism.
The cost to apply for Non-Standard Crosswalk Painting is $100.00. Please fill out the form below and attend the Town Office for payment.
The Town may refuse to allow non-standard crosswalks on certain municipal roads due to traffic, lack of control, upcoming construction projects, or other public safety concerns, as reasonably identified by the Town.
The Applicant is responsible for:
Submitting a complete application.
Providing the Town with additional information as reasonably requested to render a decision.
Providing all labour, materials, and supervision required to paint the crosswalk and ensure safe installation.
Providing appropriate traffic accommodation or traffic control while performing the work and ensuring there is one open travel lane at all times unless expressly approved otherwise by the Town.
Ensuring all contractors and attendees comply with all applicable laws, including all permits, licenses, approvals, bylaws, and policies.
Complete and submit the application to request permission for a non-standard crosswalk project.