This project page will be regularly updated with the latest progress.
Information and updates will also be available on the Peace Regional Pool Facebook page.
Contact: Tanya Bell, Director of Community Services, Phone: 780-624-1000
Hot Tub Replacement
Due to COVID-19 restrictions the hot tub was not operational and empty for over a year. When the pool was able to re-open leaks were noticed in the hot tub. A contractor attempted to repair the leaks, however additional leaks were identified. An engineering consultant was hired to review the condition and a recommended full replacement. The extended period without operating was a contributing factor to the deterioration of pipes.
The project was divided into multiple phases:
Demolition of the hot tub basin and investigation to determine if the leaks caused further damage. Status: Completed January 2023
Engineering consultant AME Group was engaged to create a new design for replacing the hot tub basin. They first completed a concept design and assessment to ensure the project was financially feasible, which was reported to Town Council in July 2023. The project is now moving forward with the detailed design for the full replacement of the hot tub.
In early 2024, a Building Condition Assessment was conducted of the entire Pool, and the resulting report confirmed that replacing the hot tub was a sound investment, as the overall building is expected to remain viable for another 20 years. This assessment was completed in May 2024.
AME contracted: April 2023
Draft design and cost estimate completed and presented: July 2023
Building Condition Assessment completed: April 2024
Detailed design and tender documents completed: May 2024
The final detailed construction designs were tendered in June 2024. However, only one bid was received, and it was over 40% higher than the approved 2024 capital budget. The tender was canceled and will be revisited during the 2025 Capital Budget discussions.
Status: The Project was approved in the 2025 capital budget and is out for tender in January 2025.
Slide Replacement
The support pillars for the pool slide are deteriorating due to salt water infiltration. A structural engineer has assessed the situation and recommended replacing the main pillars and potentially the concrete slab beneath the slide. Additionally, the slide tube is nearing the end of its service life and will be replaced. It is more cost-effective to replace the entire system simultaneously.
A significant structural issue was also identified during the Building Condition Assessment in early 2024, which will be addressed as part of the slide replacement project.
Status: The project scope will be reviewed during the 2025 Capital Budget process.
Is Replacing the Entire Pool Being Considered?
A Condition Assessment was conducted on the entire building to ensure that any major projects and repairs are feasible considering the overall lifecycle of the building. The report confirmed that the building would be viable for at least another 20 years, with ongoing investment and maintenance.
The replacement of an entire new facility is estimated to be $25 million to $35 million.