Collection Day
All residential Recycling Collection in Town is completed on Thursday.
There is no limit for the number of recycling bags that can be placed curbside for pickup.
- Recycling must be curbside by 7 am on the day of collection.
- Recycling must be in transparent bags.
- Cardboard boxes must be broken down or folded so they can lay flat and banded together (with twine, etc) or placed within transparent bags.
What can be recycled curbside?
All curbside recycling containers should be empty and rinsed clean. A quick rinse is enough for most items. This prevents food residue from contaminating and ruining other recyclables. Keep items loose. When different materials are nested inside of each other, they are difficult - or impossible - to separate. Putting items loosely in your recycling allows our sorting machinery to do its job. See below for the items that CAN be recycled curbside:
- Mixed Plastics (Items that are labelled 1 through 7 on the packaging: NO unnumbered plastics)
- Bottles (such as shampoo, salad dressing and cleaning product bottles) Jugs (such as vinegar and laundry detergent jugs)
- Plastic Jars (such as mayonnaise jars)
- Tubs (such as margarine, yogurt, and sour cream tubs)
- Clamshells (such as berry, spinach, and egg cartons)
- Take-out containers
- Plastic Film such as grocery bags, lumber wrap and shrink wrap.
If the household cleaning products contain residual amounts of liquids in them then these should be brought to the Eco centre as HHW.
All items must be rinsed and cleaned, to reduce food and other contamination.
- Tin Cans (Such as soup and pet food cans)
- Disposable trays (such as pie plates and roasting pans)
- All items must be rinsed and cleaned, to reduce food and other contamination.
Paper Products:
- Office Paper – Shredded and non-shredded typed
- Mixed paper (such as flyers, magazines, cards, newspapers)
- Paper Bags
- Paperback and Hardcover books (remove hard cover, spine and break down into smaller pieces)
- Box Board (paper towel and toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, egg cartons)
- Old, corrugated cardboard (flattened boxes with any packaging removed)
What can NOT be recycled curbside?
Putting the wrong items in your recycling can contaminate other materials, damage machinery and harm workers. Contaminated materials often result in landfilling instead of recycling as intended, thwarting the efforts of conscious recyclers. The following items can NOT be recycled curbside:
- Yard waste - Yard waste is accepted at the landfill, free of charge for residents within our service area.
- Electronic waste - (take it to the Eco Centre) Placed in the box along the front deck.
- Styrofoam - (take it to the Eco Centre) - must be broken down into smaller pieces and contained within a blue or transparent bag.
- Household Batteries (all types) - These pose a health and safety risk. Please bring these to the Eco Centre for proper recycling disposal.
- Beverage cans (such as pop and beer cans) - These should go to the local bottle depots, as they have a deposit on them and a separate collection tracking stream in Alberta. These are accepted at the Eco Centre; however, they do not offer a refund.
- Aerosol cans - These cannot go in your curbside collection, and they do not go into single stream collection. They pose a health and safety hazard. These are collected at the Eco Centre and Landfill. The Eco Centre has separate drums on the deck, for both household aerosols and paint aerosols.
Items that must be placed with waste stream items (in your garbage cart):
- Diapers – Biological safety hazard.
- Garbage - Anything in a black garbage bag (including items going to the Eco Centre) will automatically be discarded and put directly into the waste stream.
- Organic Waste
- Pizza Boxes - This is a waste stream item as most times it will be contaminated.
- Aluminum foil wrap: it often has food residue, which gets soaked up by paper and ruins good recyclables. It is also small and light, making it a challenge to sort.
- Glass – No longer collected in our service area. This includes all types of jar glass, mirrors, windowpanes, vehicle windshields. Any glass shall go to the landfill through regular waste collection.
- Coffee cups: most have a waterproof liner made of plastic, which is difficult to separate from paper. There is also a lack of markets for coffee cups because they cause problems in the paper pulping process.
- K-cups and coffee pods (including those labeled as recyclable): these are too small to be sorted and can contaminate other recyclables if coffee grounds are left inside.
Peace Regional Waste Management Single Stream Collection
(Eco Centre):

The Eco Centre accepts items directly that may not be accepted for curbside collection. Residents from single family dwellings as well as from multifamily dwellings, and apartment buildings (residents that do not have curbside blue bag collection available to them) can also use the facility to drop off their recycling materials. The items that are accepted directly at the Eco Centre are listed below:
Blue/white bag recyclable materials:
(Items must be contained in blue/white bags, before placing them in the white bins.)
- Newsprint – include non-glossy flyers.
- Mixed Paper, glossy flyers, magazines, catalogues, phone books, envelopes, cereal boxes, pop boxes, etc.
- Office Paper – good quality bond paper and shredded
- Tin Cans – rinsed out, labels removed.
- Mixed Plastic – Numbered plastics 1 through 7 (condiment containers, food containers, laundry containers, cleaner containers, buckets, etc.)
- Plastic Film – lumber wrap, shopping bags, shrink wrap)
Non bagged recyclable items:
(Items to be placed on/in appropriate trays/containers on the deck along the front of the building.)
- Cardboard – corrugated, packing boxes – Please remove all packing material, flatten and place in residential cardboard bin.
- Batteries (Residential Only) – car, truck, alkaline, rechargeable (lithium, NiCad).
- Propane Tanks – small 1lb bottles only, larger bottles must go to the landfill.
- Paint- Interior and exterior latex & alkyd (oil-based paints) porch, floor and deck paints, interior and exterior varnishes and urethanes, primers, undercoats and sealers, enamels, wood finishing oils and stains, rust and decorative metal paints, fence and barn paints, paint aerosols.
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs – Free for residents / $0.25 cents per foot for commercial/businesses.