Low Income Thresholds Under 65: Individual: $15,000 Combined Family1: $25,000
1- A family can be a couple with no children or one or two parents with dependent children. Combined family income means the income of both adult partners in a family, if applicable.
You must meet the income threshold to qualify for Taxi Passes. Please upload your Notice of Assessment or Income Tax Summary from the most recent tax year. If you are married or live with a spouse you must submit their income as well.
You can get a copy of your Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency My Account or by calling 1-800-959-8281.
If your income has changed since filing your income tax you may still qualify for Taxi Passes. Please contact Community Services at (780)624-1000 to discuss your options.
Annual Income Thresholds for Seniors1:Single individual: $33,410Combined Household2: $54,640
1Income limits are based on the Alberta Seniors Benefit, and will be updated to match the current threshold for that program. 2Combined household includes your spouse or common-law partner's income, even if you do not live together.
Your income must be below the threshold to qualify. Please upload your Notice of Assessment or Income Tax Summary from the most recent tax year. If you are married or live with a spouse or partner you must submit their income as well.
Please list your children who:
To add more children click on the plus icon next to the row, or click on Add.
By submitting this form you are consenting to the collection and use of your personal information.
The personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act and is collected for the sole use of the Town of Peace River for the administration of the Taxi Pass Program. If there are any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the FOIP Coordinator at 780-624-2574, 9911 100 Ave Peace River, AB.