Updated: February 2024
The Town of Peace River is developing an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) that identifies the existing and future active transportation network, with a focus on the west side of the river, where links between and within neighbourhoods are incomplete. Our goal is to enhance active transportation opportunities with improved access to and through commercial areas and community destinations. This project will provide the Town with a plan for how to prioritize, build out and improve our active transportation network over time.
Community members will benefit as we work to connect to the newly completed active modes bridge that opened in 2021 as part of the twinning of the bridges crossing the Peace River. This new bridge represents a major improvement in level of service for pedestrians, cyclists, and other active transportation modes crossing the Peace River.
Phase 2 – Public Engagement
The Phase 2 Public Engagement is complete. Find out what we heard about the Town’s Draft Active Transportation Network!
The Phase 2 Stakeholder and Engagement Summary Report is now available! Find the report here: Stakeholder and Engagement Summary Report
Wish you had made it to the November 2023 Open House?
View Active Transportation Plan Information Boards
Phase 1 – Public Survey
The Phase 1 Public Survey is closed! Thank you for your feedback.
Find out what we heard! The Stakeholder and Engagement Summary Report is now available!
Read the Stakeholder and Engagement Summary Report
Strategic Plan Alignment
This project is consistent with the Town Council’s Strategic Plan, which includes the following goals and strategies.
Goal: Build a physically connected community
Strategy: Increase opportunities for citizens to use the Peace River bridge walkway.
Strategy: Provide clean and safe parks and trails that attract users.
Goal: Engage with members of our community.
Project Information

This ATP project will evolve through a 3 phase process. Stakeholder and public engagement is planned at key intervals of the technical work program.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.