The Town of Peace River is seeking a qualified proponent to complete re-roofing work on the Peace River Museum Archives and Mackenzie Centre:
10302-99 Street, Peace River, Alberta
Bids will be received before 14:00 Hours local time on June 21, 2023 by:Ms. Tanya Bell – Director of Community ServicesTown of Peace RiverP.O. Box 66009911-100 StreetPeace River, Alberta T8S 1S4Telephone: (780) 624-1000For bid closing purposes, the official time of receipt of bids shall be as determined by the time recorder clock used to time and date stamp bids upon submission to the above location.
Closing date: June 21, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Mandatory Site Meeting: June 14, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., Peace River Museum 10302-99 St.
Bid documents available at no charge by contacting Mr. Sean Lucas, 780-618-7790
This tender has also been posted to the Alberta Purchasing Connection: APC Solicitation #AB-2023-03917