RFP: Wayfinding Plan

Closing Date

Town of Peace River REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RFP#TPR2024008- Wayfinding Plan


Closing Date and Time:          October 16th, 2024 at 2:00 pm Alberta Time. 

Contract Manager:                 Tanya Bell, Director of Community Services  

Telephone:                             (780) 624-1000

Address:                                Box 6600, 9911 – 100 Ave 

                                             Peace River, AB T8S 1S4

E-mail:                                  tbell@peaceriver.ca 

Proposals shall be submitted to: tenders@peaceriver.ca 

Responses to this RFP are to be submitted electronically by email. Submissions are to be sent attention to Tanya Bell at tenders@peaceriver.ca on or before the closing date. Late submissions will not be considered.

The Town requires a capable and qualified Proponent to develop a comprehensive Wayfinding Plan for the Town of Peace River.  Proponents are to submit informative proposals for Services that will assist the Town to make an informed decision on how to achieve objectives at the best possible overall value, as determined by the Town in its sole discretion. Proposals should include detailed and sufficient information about the Proponent(s) capacity, expertise, and experience as well as a detailed cost schedule including proposed project timelines.

The project outcomes include a plan that creates a wayfinding system, including signage design, graphic standards, signage content with maps, and technical specifications. Increased awareness of and visits to businesses, attractions, and assets within the Town. An enhanced visual Town identity that conveys an authentic brand and creates a legible navigation experience.  The RFP does not include the manufacturing or installation of signs.