Camping Bylaw

On March 11, 2024, Town Council gave first reading to a bylaw which provides a mechanism to enforce restrictions against camping on town property.

The Town has seen a significant increase in unauthorized camping in public areas, such as parks and green spaces. The community and Town staff have concerns in relation to the increased number of negative and unsafe interactions with individuals/groups in the community. Town Parks staff had to remove several encampments in local parks last year, including an individual that set up in the water park and another at the 12 Foot Davis Events Park.

The Town does not currently have a bylaw that prohibits camping on Town property, which is required for the legal enforcement of this issue. The proposed bylaw would allow RCMP and/or Peace Officers to assist with the removal of individuals or groups of individuals camping in public spaces.

The proposed bylaw was reviewed by Council at Governance and Priorities meetings on November 6th, 2023 and again on March 4th, 2024. Council’s feedback has been included in the proposed version for first reading. The bylaw was also reviewed by the Town’s legal counsel and their suggested amendments were incorporated.

The full proposed bylaw can be seen below.

Any questions regarding this bylaw can be submitted to:
Tanya Bell, Director of Community Services