Did you make it to our Land Use Bylaw Refresh open house last night?
No lying. Because we know the names of all three people who did.
For the other 7,063 Peace River residents who didn't, we have yet more opportunities for you to learn about the bylaw and provide feedback!
Why should you care? What even is a Land Use Bylaw?
This is a bylaw that regulates what's allowed on people's properties, i.e., the construction of buildings and the use of land and buildings. It impacts every new development in Peace River. It impacts how we'll change as a community over time.
When you're building a new home, should you be required to plant a tree in your front yard? Should we allow secondary suites in all residential areas? Should we require new businesses downtown to provide on-site parking spaces, even when there is lots of public parking nearby? Should fences have height limits? Should home-based businesses require a development permit? We're proposing changes related to these questions... and more!
So if you have any plans about building on your property, starting a business, buying land…this is THE time for you to review what the proposed rules are and share your feedback.
The bylaw is a huge document. That's why we have Alisha Mody, our Manager of Planning and Development, to help explain it. She'll be posted up at the farmers' market 10am - 2pm Saturday, Feb. 22. Come for a chat!
We're also seeking your feedback with this survey, which outlines some of the major changes: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PRLUBrefresh2
The goal is to move this bylaw through Council before the end of June, if all things align. So now's the time to tell us what you think. Because if next year there's a hubbub over some rule in the bylaw, we're going to be like, "Hey, we told you!"
Read ALL the info on the bylaw refresh here: https://www.peaceriver.ca/LUBrefresh