Volunteer Awards

Started in 2017, the Volunteer Awards are a way for the Town of Peace River to recognize the extraordinary contributions volunteers make to our community. Each year we ask for nominations from the community for one of our three awards. Our Community Services Advisory Board then selects the winners for our End of Year Awards. All approved nominations will be recognized on National Volunteer Week.

Winners of our End of Year Awards receive a prize pack and a $500 donation to the community non-profit of their choice.

Recipients of our Community Recognition for Volunteer Week will receive a small gift as a token of appreciation from The Town of Peace River.

We are accepting nominations for the following awards and Community Recognition for Volunteer Week:

Life-Long Achievement Award

  • A dedicated individual who has volunteered for at least 20 years, has inspired other volunteers and/or led volunteer initiatives.

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • A dedicated individual who has gone above and beyond in supporting our community throughout the year and has inspired volunteers, has led volunteer groups or has made other exceptional achievements through volunteering.

Emerging Leader Award

  • Recognizes youth volunteers 18 years and younger who have demonstrated leadership and helped build a stronger community throughout the year.

Community Recognition for National Volunteer Week

  • In April, The Town of Peace River recognizes all volunteers on National Volunteer Week by treating those who are nominated to a treat from one of our local businesses as a way to saying THANK YOU! for the dedication to your cause.

2023 Nominations

In order to nominate someone for one of the awards and recognition mentioned above please complete the form below. Ensure you provide as many details as possible. End of Year nominations are reviewed by the Community Services Board, the more info you can supply the more details the board will have to make their decision. Finally, please ensure you have obtained consent from the nominee before nominating them for an award.

  • Awards nominations must include two letters of support for each nominee and a specific award category must be selected. Award nominations or nomination letters must not be from family members of the nominee. Nominations from family members will not be considered.
  • Nominations must also include a signed agreement letter from the nominee, proving their consent to their being nominated for the award. This is not necessary for Community Recognition for National Volunteer Week.
  • Nominations that do not include all of the above documents will not be placed into consideration for the Town of Peace River Volunteer Awards Program.
  • Individuals are not eligible for nominations if they have already received an award in the chosen category. If they qualify in an alternate category but have not received an award in that category, then they may be nominated.
  • Community Recognition of Volunteer Week requires a minimum of 5 hours of commitment and must not be a part of another program (Services Hours etc.)

2023 Volunteer Award nominations will be accepted until Monday, October 2nd, 2023. 



    Lifelong AchievementVolunteer of the YearEmerging LeaderCommunity Recognition for National Volunteer Week

    This information is being collected for the purpose of collecting nominations for volunteer awards under s.33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All personal information will be managed in compliance with the provisions of the FOIP Act. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Director of Corporate Services (780) 624-2574.


    2020 Volunteer Awards

    2019 Volunteer Awards

    2018 Volunteer Awards

    2017 Volunteer Awards