(The slide on the hillside near 99 Street is pictured on Friday Oct. 15, 2016) UPDATED: 99 Street Closed Please note due to a slide in the area the gravel section of 99 Street is closed to all traffic. This shall remain in place until Peace River Public Works determines the road is safe. During the last two weeks two crews measured an increase in a slide near 99 Street, over that period ground fell just over a metre prompting the Town’s engineering department to close the road due to public safety. The next step is to retain a civil engineering firm to complete aRead More →

fire department

Fire Department Assist in Rescuing Person From River October 1, 2016 at 5:25PM Shortly after 9AM on Saturday October 1, the Peace River Fire Department was called to assist the RCMP and EMS in rescuing someone from the Peace River. Peace River Firefighters responded, using their rescue boat to locate a male in distress in the middle of the Peace River. As the boat was approaching the patient, RCMP members entered the water and assisted the male to shore. After ensuring the safety of the male, PRFD continued with a search of the River to ensure no other persons were involved. -30-Read More →