Private Pools

Pools can be a great way to spend time in your backyard and relax, however, there are some safety measures that need to be in place first.

How are Private Pools Regulated?

Private pools are regulated under Alberta’s Building Codes, this is provincial legislation that applies across the Province including the Town of Peace River.

When Does a Pool Fall Under Alberta Building Codes?

Pools that are more than 60cm (2′) deep, at any point in the pool are considered a private pool under the Alberta Building Codes. That means anything more than a regular kiddy or wading pool is subject to the regulations below.

What are the Requirements?

Generally speaking, there are two important requirements under Alberta Building Codes for a private pool

  • Private pools must be surrounded by a fence that is at least 1.8 – 2 metres tall (approximately 6’ to 6.5′),
  • Any gap in the fencing must have a gate that can close by itself, self-latch, and is also 1.8 – 2 metres in height (approximately 6’ to 6.5′).

Is a Building or Development Permit Required?

No building or development permits are required for a private pool.

What about Environmentally Sensitive Lands?

Under the Town of Peace River’s Land Use Bylaw, private pools may not be installed on lands that are identified as environmentally sensitive. For those who wish to install a pool on environmentally sensitive lands, a geotechnical study must be completed and signed by a registered professional engineer recognized by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta as one specializing in geotechnical engineering.

If you have questions about this please contact our Development Officer via the information below.

More Information

For a full breakdown of the requirements under the legislation is available in this handout from the Safety Codes Council.

Some additional frequently asked questions are answered in this handout from Alberta Municipal Affairs.

If you have further questions please contact our Development Officer at (780) 624-2574 or [email protected].